Saturday, July 5, 2008

News Hour: SPDC’s plan to request funds from UN and ASEAN


Source close to regime said that SPDC has a plan to request more funds for reconstruction and rebuild the way of lives in Delta. Sources said one of the International Financial Institutions, World Bank, and its delegation was in Rangoon and met with both NLD and SPDC officials before delegation’s first leg to delta.

Regime sources said generals wanted to deal the World Bank on Nargis issue with non-political preconditions as well as other donors for Nargis cyclone victims. Yet, they did not want to see the WB delegation met NLD seniors, and there is a rumor that donors wanted to see more political development and if not, there would be hard to release fund.

Regime also requested individuals to donate single family home for 600,000 kyat, fishing boat for 1.5 million kyat and handheld tiller for 1.2 million kyat at fire brigades in Rangoon. At the same time, regime has a plan to increase its plan for a year project during tripartite meeting with UN and ASEAN on 22 July.

Many high flying companies are worried that their investment would be returned with other business opportunity from regime but it could take too long for return their investment. Regime might have to improve its political tolerant because it needs funds from UN and other donors.