Thursday, July 3, 2008

News Hour: USDA local offices seemed quiet and people feel these thugs now are one of us.


Rangoon local USDA offices looked quiet, but increasing security measure at their offices. People nearby also watched their movements with careful. People realize these thugs are helpless after then bomb blast, Rangoon resident noted.

However, political veterans are worried that more violent will be replaced the concept of non-violent approach towards current regime, sources close to political movement inside said. Many monks, student leaders and political activists have been treated without respect by regime but now there has a different idea; why not we use their tactic to defend ourselves? A former political prisoner said.

The most infamous social group or regime's puppet violent group USDA office earned bomb blast by one of the student worrier groups became a major issue in Rangoon, residents noted. People quietly cheered this time, he said. But others concerned political development should not be that way and all of the responsibility must be taken by Than Shwe. He and SPDC military council hardliners created this violent culture in Burma and never had before.

Since 1962, military dictators have accused the parliamentary democracy enjoyed the violent struggle between rivals. During the AFPFL government led by late Prime Minister U Nu, many locally violent between rival parties. Nowadays, people are informed that parliamentary democracy without discipline is a bad political system. Now, Than Shwe eats his words, heading to the discipline democracy from socialist regime and parliament democracy is bad as well, full of violent means.

On the other hands, USDA local and state offices increased security measure, having police present, USDA offices and core members become soft target unlike police stations. “After bomb blast, Rangoon area local USDA offices looked quiet now. People has no sympathy made them more frustrations, because they acted they were authority but now police secured their office and they are nothing” Rangoon resident deliberated.