Sunday, July 6, 2008

Burma Update: Exile designed to challenge the SPDC’s 2010 election as illegitimate


Leading political umbrella organization- the National Council of the Union of Burma (NCUB) has prepared to face the 2010 election with a major blow off against the regime at the international platform, United Nations (UN).

Sources close to the NCUB said that after reviewing regime’s referendum, SPDC has played at its own field and able to cheat the result that what they were supposed to see. Creation of 60% yes vote(getting names from voters and magic voting turned into Yes vote) in advance voting and regime forced, changed and cheated 32 percent on 10th and 24th May 2008.

Indeed, regional countries are eager to accept the regime’s 2010 election result with different perspective. NCUB said that international community, especially regional countries deal with their national and economic interest towards Burma. However, NCUB decided to challenge the regime with legal perspective that one of its strategies preparing for 2010 election with major action.

“This time, regime might have to defend itself but unable to bring fake result in 2010 freely, NCUB's pressure might help inside political groups as well as activists. Our NCUB has no other choice but to bring this issue to UN and let’s see how we would take part in technical as well as political pressure. Results; we pushed the SPDC has to kneel down to the ILO. At the same notion, we cannot wait for what UN would do for Burma and NLD, plus, we do not have a time to wait for others countries to call lip services but fight with SPDC at we’d better to handle at the different field”. NCUB top leader said.

At the ILO, a Burmese labor organization, FTUB grilled SPDC with experience at International Labor Organization (ILO) and able to bring human rights issue and force labor. SPDC had to recognize the international standard and regime must stop the force labor or slave labor against own citizens.

United Nations good office towards Burma democracy development, brokering between SPDC and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and it seemed to be failed and most of the policies have been implied and decided by the international community and very less percentage from Burmese democracy initiative.