Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Intelligence: Rumors Vs Reality


The real struggle within army is not within top two. Senior general has just created power struggle game with three younger generals, sources said. Senior general fools around one another.

All of the younger generals have no real power or own clique after he decided to pick them up to the higher positions; their close associates have been transferred to other positions. The emergence of clique is based on common interest of business, sources said.

Yet, none of reports and evidences is supporting a power struggle between senior general Than Shwe and General Maung Aye that most of Burma watchers wanted to predict. There could be many differences ideas between tops, but unlikely to split because of it and time is not coming yet.

However, below the top two, there are clearly showing the power chart of three stooges and they are really struggling and cutting hands and foots each other; General Thura Shwe Mann, General Thi-Ha-Thu-Ra Tin Aung Myint Oo and General Myint Swe.

These three generals are extremely close with both senior general and his wife Daw Kyine Kyine, who has most powerful after her husband and able to decide where Burma would go from her end with the support of astrologers.

Recent shakeup within military, simply look at three generals have tried their best; to block others’ list of promotion, brought corruption charges against other group and indeed their current struggle is ‘a lesser your group, the better for us’, regime sources said.

Yet, show is not over yet, three stooges are really busy nowadays and top two are waiting the winner and he might be a next in line of commander in chief.