Monday, August 25, 2008

News Hour: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi refused to accept the food supplies

She refused to have food supplies since 15th August. "Which is a deep pressure for generals" said NLD senior.

"August 15th was her last one week supplies", close associate with friends who were responsibility to send her weekly food supplies said. Reasons of refusal were related to Mr. Gambari’s sixth UN goodwill visit and she also refused to meet him three different occasions. NLD seniors stressed Mr Gambari is just a postman of regime's wishes and there was no sign of NLD proposal could deliver to the regime.

Her food supplies was delivered on 15th August would be finished on 22nd. But no one is able to send another food on 22nd August. Reports saying she asked NLD member not to send her next weeek on 15th August, thus, she believed to have a food supply for only a week and that would have gone on 22nd August. Now, five days have been without proper food.

Reports confirmed that she demanded to reconvene the negotiation process and possible result from regime. However, regime refused to accept her demands and she chooses to her strong objection against the UN initiative that regime played for their own interest.