Thai security authorities had raided the houses of Saw Tamala Baw, David Thackbaw, P'doh Artoe, Col. Soe Soe, Saw Nah Dah and Col. Paw Doh were raided this morning, said sources close to KNU.
They found 3 bullets and barrel of short gun at Nah Dah's house and took his wife for further interrogation. Those respective leaders were not at the home at the time of raid. It seems that they continue their search until 3 PM today.
The operation is done by Special Police from Bangkok on the complaint of Burmese government that Thailand is harboring KNU and opposition leaders on Thai Soil. Some KNU leaders think that it might be related to recent ASEAN meeting.
SPDC recently backed DKBA, KNLA breakaway group to attack KNU brigade 5th and 6th after DKBA-SPDC troops ran over brigade 7th area and KNLA headquarters in June 2009. There are so many interest groups in Thailand to pressure against the KNU and KNLA forces; former army officials who established various businesses with Burmese military regime, Thai opposition party and construction companies and business groups that get financial benefits from Burma.
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