Friday, June 10, 2011

EDITORIAL Burma has not earned the right to more respect

By The Nation
Published on June 10, 2011

The generals continue to rule with a puppet parliament, and the world is uncoordinated in its application of pressure for genuine reform

US Senator John McCain went to Burma recently and made headlines for several days. That was good for him, and he highlighted what needs to be done in the recalcitrant, pariah state. He was succinct in reiterating that Burma under the new "civilian leader", President Thien Sien, must do much more before normalisation of diplomatic ties with the US and other Western nations can occur. Evolutionary change, he added, is inescapable, and it would be in Burma's interest to recognise that fact.

Since the "Arab Spring" began earlier this year, many politicians, near and far, have compared the dramatic political changes in the Middle East and North Africa with the situation in Southeast Asia. Some say that what has happened, and is happening, in the Middle East and North Africa could very well take place here.

That may be a bit dramatic. The political environment in Burma is quite different, but its citizens are suffering the same kind of political oppression. Burma has powerful neighbours to help and provide the assistance it needs, and mitigate whatever pressure comes from abroad.

There is also a lack of unity when it comes to the international approach to Burma. Divergent viewpoints and approaches enable the generals in their hideout in Naypyidaw to engage outsiders the way they want.

It is interesting that the international community has not learned a single lesson from the Burmese crisis since 1988. That helps explain why Burma will not change under the current circumstances. After all, why should the junta leaders change, when they have followed their own plans so efficiently?

From the Burmese rulers' point of view, the country is now officially led by a civilian government. But most outside observers view this with scepticism. Obviously with a new government, several Western countries have sufficient excuse to initiate moves to help Burma, despite the ongoing human rights violations there, on the pretext of helping the Burmese people. These countries are mostly interested in the country's abundant energy resources.

Rightly so, Burma has played its cards well, hedging powers against each other, knowing full well the international community will never consolidate its willpower because there are too many other crises to deal with around the world.

Of late, Burma has cleverly has succeeded in convincing the West - especially some of the EU and Scandinavian countries - that it is better to help the Burmese people inside the country than those exiled around the world. This is a cunning scheme hatched by Naypyidaw that will affect the exiled Burmese community.

In addition, the country's military leaders are sidelining the main opposition party leader, Aung Saan Suu Kyi, reiterating that she is stubborn and non-cooperative. These Western countries are eager to follow Nayphidaw because they want to get their footprints in Burma as soon as possible.

The time has come for the international powers - namely the US, EU and Asean - to work more closely together. Burma is the proposed Asean chair in 2014, and it will serve as a benchmark, possibly a black stain, for the regional grouping whether the regime that has been so cruel and inhumane to its own people will be given legitimacy in the international arena.

Substantial changes must come first, otherwise Burma will have to wait. To argue that the new government needs to consolidate its power before any meaningful change is possible is a bit naive. Burma's strongman, General Than Shwe, is still a very powerful figure, deciding major moves. Without a common approach by other countries, the Burmese military leaders, under the cover of an "elected" parliament, will continue their reign of terror.

Source: The Nation

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