Tuesday, February 24, 2009


National League for Democracy
No. 97/b, West Shwegondaing Street
Bahan Township, Rangoon

23 February 2009

(Unofficial Translation)

An error occurred of the fourth (4th) paragraph of the National League for Democracy’s Special Statement No. 2/02/09 released on 17 February 2009.

The actual statement should read as follows: “Paragraph seven (7) of the SPDC’s Statement No. 1/2007 asserts that confrontation, utter devastation, economic sanctions, and total isolation do not benefit the country or the people.”

Please use the sentence above to replace the following sentence: “Confrontation, utter devastation, economic sanctions and total isolation, which are described in the paragraph seven (7) of SPDC's Statement No. 1/2007, do not benefit the country or the people.”

As per the decision of the Central Executive Committee meeting held on 23 February 2009.

Central Executive Committee
National League for Democracy
