"Without helping the victims but only meditate in front of the Buddha stature is not a pure Buddhism and Buddhist monk, I must get out and help the victims whom they have still hope to live"
Dr. Ashin Nyanissara, Sitagu Abbot
"ASEAN Human Rights Charter is appropriate tool to bring Burmese generals to the international community"
- Mr. Abhisit V. Prime Minister of Thailand
"NCGUB's working capacity might be very limited but I always consider the best solution for the rest"
- Dr. Sein Win, exile Prime Minister (NCGUB)
"All exile community should provide their energy and their support for NLD and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, instead of debating each other."
-NLD secretary and former political prisoner U Win Tin
"Shall we fight to gain more ground or just to wait for the regime's mercy?"
- General Tarmalarbaw, Chairman of the NCUB
"When we'd form the Democrat led coalition government, we can't follow what former PM Thaksin had been doing business dealing with Burmese regime, I promised you that our future government will never allow personal contact with regime"
- Mr. Kasit Piromya , a former ambassador and current Foreign Minister of Thailand
"Credentials Challenge is not a dream because regime has limited defensive mechanism at the UN"
-U Maung Maung, general secretary of NCUB
"Most of the political activists see me as an activist and they ignored my journalistic profession, but I saw things and wrote them, this is nothing personal, I do my job as journalist."
-Aung Zaw- Editor Irrawaddy Magazine
"We are now 20 years of struggle, elders should listen to us, and we are now political adult."
-Ma Khin Ohmar, NDD chairwoman and BP coordinator
"I am worried that exile community is wasting a time for fighting each other and nowhere to go. Regime has full opportunity and good chance for this. Who will get a benefit?"
-Ma Thin Thin Aung, presidium member of WLB
"If democratic forces do not change their attitude, they will be a history in a near future."
-Derik Tonkin, UK former ambassador to Thailand
"I might not be that lucky this time, unlike Saffron Revolution, I did walk out from their detention"
-Ko Zarganar, a social activist and comedian
"Myanmar needs to look at other countries, as long as government prevents any development of civil society, Myanmar position is far away from democratic transition"
-Juwono SUDARSONO, Defense minister of Republic of Indonesia
"China doesn't want to see its neighbors to gain freedom and democracy, like Taiwan and Burma"
-Chen Shui-bian, a former President of Taiwan
Rumors were everywhere but I heard late U Ne Win said to his family and followers around him that "do not response any negative to a young girl (Daw Aung San Suu Kyi), she is my boss daughter and I forgive her."
-(Name withhold) Former general, SPDC
"China wishes Myanmar generals would listen to all Chinese suggestions, but they didn't"
-A Chinese scholar
"All of us in Delta seemed living in hell, not only one day but for a few months"
-A victim, from cyclone effective area
"I did complaint to the voting station because they said 100% were yes votes, because my four family members did cast 'NO' there"
-A voter at the referendum day, 24 May 2008