Friday, August 15, 2008

Real News: New culture for Burma

Current SPDC regime ministers introduced the new Myanmar culture in 2008. Before 1988, no one needed to respect with two hands together except Lord Buddha, Dharma, Sangha followed by parents, and teachers in Burma. Unlike Thailand and India, greeting is different in Burma. Indeed, ritual issues are different.

After 1988, the SPDC leaders enjoyed people pay deep respect as Thai greeting style, but meaning is different. The generals are equivalent as Lord Buddha.

Yet, not too long ago, General Thein Zaw, a minister of telecommunication created a new culture for senior general; he happened to enter into the senior general Than Shwe’s office kneeling and moving forward. Many of ministers surprised his new style but had to follow General Thein Zaw as kneeling.

Nowadays, all SPDC ministers have to follow a new culture; kneeling and moving forward as to enter senior general Than Shwe’s office.