Monday, August 4, 2008

News Hour: SPDC is watching NLD, 88 and other political activists


SPDC plainclothes police are watching the political activists’ residences who have been jailed. They have started day and night watching before arrival of Human Rights Council investigator for Burma, Tomas Ojea Quintana. In South Okkalaypa and other townships, secret police units are working along with local SPDC before Mr Quintana arrival.

Many plainclothes special branch policemen have been watching from the opposite of NLD HQs since last week. They have photographed rare visitors, embassies staffs and other political activists since then.

During day time, local SPDC and Swan Arr-Shin thugs have passed and showed their presents near the activists houses and their regular meeting points. One point, many plainclothes policemen also showed up at the monasteries in Bahan Township and asking for people who are overnight visitors.

Sources said regime was closely watching preparation of issues of political prisoners and other human rights violations and condition of political prisoners’ health situations. Many political prisoners are slowing dying in the jail without medical treatment or proper medical treatment. UN rights investigator might raise the human rights condition and other inhumanity issues with regime, sources stressed.