Thursday, August 14, 2008

News Hour: More arrests are on the way as Regime’s dirty game


Military Affairs Security units, Special Branch and local police's joint units have rated the student leaders’ and activists' houses since past week. Arrest included two elect Member of the parliament from NLD, U Nyi Pu and Dr. Tin Min Htut. These two MPs elect were part of five MPs’ letter that sent to UN secretary general Ban Ki-Mon early this month.

It was not clear that current arrests are relating the the letter or other motives. Regime was very sensitive after US President Bush met with bunch of Burmese political activists at the residence of US ambassador in Bangkok on the eve of 20th Anniversary of bloody crackdown. Most of the inside political leaders expected positive outcomes because President's visit and meeting with Burmese democracy freedom fighters, and President was supposed to meet with his Chinese counterpart in Beijing, sources said.

Many of the detainees were working for Cyclone Nargis victims, some of these students, NLD activists and two NLD MPs are being detained at the SB headquarters at Aung Tha Pya which is near Rangoon, witness said.

Latest detainee, Ko Yan Naing Htun, NLD youth member from Kyi Myint-Dine Township was arrested at his residence today. His family was questioned and house was searched. Family members knew nothing where he was taken to, sources said.

Sent to the mental hospital

Ko Aung Pe, NLD Twin-tai Township was released from State Mental Hospital this morning after NLD challenged regime for surprise action against the political activists whom have been sent to mental hospital. U Tun Tun from Nyaun Don NLD in Delta area is still being detained at the mental hospital and not being free yet.

SPDC has sent single protestors to mental hospital and after they were discharged from mental hospital, political activists are sick, sources accused.