Friday, July 11, 2008

Opinion: Friendly Fire or Else?

Nyo Ohn Myint

I did read a piece of article written by one of the well known bloggers, and I feel that his intention is not bad, time is a bit concern for others, I am fear. Indeed, before Saffron Revolution, young and talented bloggers created the blogs to fight the SPDC information dark age from inside and outside.

Burmese Bloggers utilized information technology, using opportunity to upside down the regime’s propaganda. Many world saw the shocking pictures of Buddhist clergies peaceful demonstrating arrived to the internet websites within an hour. World witnessed heartfelt pictures; what was really happened and what went wrong in Burma.

Blogs indeed, filled the gap between regular media outlet and people who wanted to know the information that they couldn’t get from foreign and Burmese media regardless of correct or incorrect grammar, true or not, confrontations between masses of different political activists and armed criminals who killed the unarmed and peaceful demonstrators led by monks.

Beyond this concept, few individuals tried to be hero.

Reviewing NLD political maneuvering, it seems slow and because of working under the regime’s brutality, but blogger accused the NLD as a bagger, ineffective. He ignorantly accused the NLD and his showed his frustration towards politics 101, winning and losing is as a matter of time.

NLD needs a new leadership, no one says this is not true, but SPDC did not allow any changes of structure of NLD, they are working their own way within danger zone, he may be aware. We can say any abusive words from free land, we can act as a political warrior, you can profess what to do but hard to tell how to move as quick as possible.

Could we blame Ko Min Ko Naing, Ko Ko Gyi and rest of our colleagues for getting arrest? Should we say Ko Min Ko Naing, Ko Ko Gyi you should not have walked from late U Kyi Maung's house, you should have waited others, you should have played end game but not as a starter.

We all paid the big price one way or other. Thus, unreasonable friendly fire is prohibited for many democracy movements under the evil dictatorships worldwide.

Blame game is a very simple for twenty years, even political scientists stop writing Burma political development, these academics also need to wait to write Burma political development after end of the game for their books.

On the other side of the political fence, regime is ready to crush and thank to the critics “kill the NLD before I have to kill this party, thanks for doing it for me, I could save my energy.”