Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Intelligence: One hundred and fifty officials were purged during shake up within SPDC

Sources close to regime said that one hundred and fifty senior military officials included high level generals were forced to retire or resign recent reshuffle. Four BSO heads and naval chief and few generals were also purged.

Senior general reportedly said during military council meeting, “During his life time, he never gets this kind of embarrassment because of lack of information from his men,” military source quoted saying. This major reshuffle, he lost many of his trusted men.

Burma's army observers speculated that senior general Than Shwe sacrificed many generals who failed to report him after past cyclone, who believed to criticize him for Nargis handling and other power struggle between him and his second man, general Maung aye.

Interestingly, new regional commanders are used to be heads of different military staff collage and training schools. How these new regional commanders getting positions while other field commanders waiting? This time, management skills and reevaluation of their performance were behind the new positions, sources positively said.

Another source predicted that senior general agreed to let shaking up because General Maung Aye. Outgoing Bureau of Special Operation heads were very senior persons and very closed with senior general Than Shwe. But he had to agree with General Maung Aye for new setup in terms of his intended to keep two men’s unity and compromising included.