Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hope: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi would be freed at 10 PM Burma standard time

Unconfirmed sources said Daw Aung San Suu Kyi likely to be freed at 10 PM Burma standard time.

Sources close to regime said that there were few arguments within SPDC mid level generals and they were worried about international donors might pressure her illegitimate five years detention after senior general promised to have all aid workers with UN secretary general yesterday.
She would be free or continue arrest for one more year is now critical for the regime’s new political game plan to get assistance for Nargis reconstruction process.

Source said she could be freed conditionally because of the regime doesn’t want to face the possible mounting pressures from major donors. Her detention issue seemed to be a major target after senior general allowed more coordination with international community on humanitarian crisis post Nargis.
Sources said she would be freed but unable to organize political relay, travel without permission and other political restrictions.

She might be used as a pawn for international donors-SPDC relations if regime decided to improve the relations with international community. Now generals are being forced to agree relief issues and unable to play with the whole world.
Sources said she would be taken to the delta and to show her what is the ground situations and the regime’s effort to help the victims and persuade her to cooperate with regime in this crisis. The moderate felt that she might be another cyclone if hardliners feel that they are able to control the changing political landscape after post cyclone, source said.